Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Exit Interview

What is your essential question, and what are your answers? What is your best answer and why?
EQ: What is the most important factor an orthodontist must consider when treating a patient?
Answer 1: Orthodontists must understand their patients' needs in order to treat them.
Answer 2: Patient compliance should be taken into account when treating a patient.
Answer 3: Timing is key to treating a patient.
My best answer is Answer 1 because it is my most fundamental answer, and orthodontists have to look beyond what they see with the naked eye and check every facet of the cases they take on when treating patients.
 What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
My mentorship, independent components, and research brought me to this answer. I would have to credit my mentorship with my best answer because I got to see the treatment plans in action and learn through my interviews about what orthodontics is all about.
What problems did you face? How did you resolve them?
My biggest problem was my research because of the My access to databases and research portals was very restricted due to the fact that I am not a college student or a member of a research institution. There were also few books available about orthodontics, and even fewer that helped answer my essential question. Luckily, I gained some access to research through my time in Young Scholars, and my mentor was able to answer every question I had in relation to orthodontics and my project.
 What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?
1. The interview I had with my mentor. Dr. Banh was able to provide a well-thought-out response to all of my questions and helped me polish my answers and evidence.
2. "The Rationale of Orthodontic Treatment" from An Introduction to Orthodontics by Laura Mitchell. This book was my starting point and the foundation for my research and answers.

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