Over the course of my project, I have learned about overbites, underbites, crooked teeth, and various forms of malocclusion.
Each one of these are treated differently, and it takes longer to treat some than others. Underbites and overbites (classes II and III respectively) take the longest to treat because they require movement of the jaw. The younger the patient, the easier they are to treat. Past adolescence, treatment for classes II and III requires orthognathic or other types of surgery. Young patients, however, can use headgear or reverse headgear to correct their malocclusion.
While an orthodontist can give her/his patients headgear and send them on their way, it isn't guaranteed that they will wear it. In order to ensure compliance as much as possible, the orthodontist should take steps such as explaining the importance of treatment and getting the patients' parents on board.
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